Funny Sperm Cartoons of Paulo Cohelo

Ernest Hemingway photo

Paramahansa Yogananda photo

Osamu Dazai photo

Michael I of Romania photo

Sophie Scholl photo

Karen Blixen photo

Hatake Kakashi photo

Hermann Göring photo

George Orwell photo

Joanne K. Rowling photo

Suzanne Collins photo

Johnny Cash photo

Benjamin Disraeli photo

Benjamin Disraeli photo

Benjamin Mkapa photo

Leonard Cohen photo

Benjamin Disraeli photo

„He told Lord Esher that, in talking with the Queen, he observed a simple rule: "I never deny; I never contradict; I sometimes forget.""

—  Benjamin Disraeli British Conservative politician, writer, aristocrat and Prime Minister 1804 - 1881

Cited in William Flavelle Monypenny and George Earle Buckle, The life of Benjamin Disraeli, Rarl of Beaconsfield, Vol. 6 (1920), p. 463, and in Henry W. Lucy, Memories of Eight Parliaments (1908), p. 66.
Sourced but undated

George Orwell photo

Harper Lee photo

Mwanandeke Kindembo photo

Manuel Bandeira photo

Alvin Toffler photo

Malala Yousafzai photo

Robert Browning photo

Taylor Swift photo

Dwayne Johnson photo

Paulo Coelho photo

Fernando Pessoa photo

Gabriel García Márquez photo

Chinmayananda Saraswati photo

William Shakespeare photo

Niccolo Machiavelli photo

Stig Dagerman photo

„Once they knew each other it was more difficult, because it is difficult to love those we know well. To be in love is to be curious. A thing is only beautiful if we do not have surfeit of it, perhaps only what is new is beautiful; in any case we can only love what is new. In order to love people we have got to know too well, we must first of all forget them, not altogether but very nearly. This they learnt during the fortnight. They didn't tell each other that they had learnt it; they were careful, that is, untruthful. To be able to love someone a long time one must lie, quite often to oneself, but mostly to the person one loves."

—  Stig Dagerman, book A Burnt Child

Source: A Burnt Child (1948), p. 206

Mwanandeke Kindembo photo

José Rizal photo

Mwanandeke Kindembo photo

Elvis Presley photo

John Locke photo

„Let me give two cautions. 1) The one is, that you keep them to the practice of what you would have grow into a habit with them, by kind words, and gentle admonitions, rather as minding them of what they forget, than by harsh rebukes and chiding, as if they were wilfully guilty. 2) Another thing you are to take care of, is, not to endeavour to settle too many habits at once, lest by variety you confound them, and so perfect none. When constant custom has made any one thing easy and natural to 'em, and they practice it without reflection, you may then go on to another."

—  John Locke, book Some Thoughts Concerning Education

Sec. 66
Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693)

John Locke photo

Muhammad al-Baqir photo

Tamora Pierce photo

Robert Walser photo

Megan Marie Hart photo

„Mimì never forgets to see the beauty in life."

—  Megan Marie Hart American opera singer 1983

Original: (de) Mimi vergisst nie, die Schönheit im Leben zu sehen, und ist nicht verbittert.
Variant: Mimi never forgets to see the beauty in life and is not bitter.
Context: Mimì is a character in Giacomo Puccini's opera La bohème. Although she is terminally ill, she enjoys life.

Charles Bukowski photo

Sylvia Plath photo

Jane Goodall photo

Alexander Pope photo

Sarah Dessen photo

Dr. Seuss photo

Jodi Picoult photo

Max Scheler photo

„One cannot love anybody without turning away from oneself. However, the crucial question is whether this movement is prompted by the desire to turn toward a positive value, or whether the intention is a radical escape from oneself. "Love" of the second variety is inspired by self-hatred, by hatred of one's own weakness and misery. The mind is always on the point of departing for distant places. Afraid of seeing itself and its inferiority, it is driven to give itself to the other—not because of his worth, but merely for the sake of his "otherness." Modern philosophical jargon has found a revealing term for this phenomenon, one of the many modern substitutes for love: "altruism." This love is not directed at a previously discovered positive value, nor does any such value flash up in the act of loving: there is nothing but the urge to turn away from oneself and to lose oneself in other people's business. We all know a certain type of man frequently found among socialists, suffragettes, and all people with an ever-ready "social conscience"— the kind of person whose social activity is quite clearly prompted by inability to keep his attention focused on himself, on his own tasks and problems. Looking away from oneself is here mistaken for love! Isn't it abundantly clear that "altruism," the interest in "others" and their lives, has nothing at all to do with love? The malicious or envious person also forgets his own interest, even his "preservation." He only thinks about the other man's feelings, about the harm and the suffering he inflicts on him. Conversely, there is a form of genuine "self-love" which has nothing at all to do with "egoism." It is precisely the essential feature of egoism that it does not apprehend the full value of the isolated self. The egoist sees himself only with regard to the others, as a member of society who wishes to possess and acquire more than the others. Selfdirectedness or other-directedness have no essential bearing on the specific quality of love or hatred. These acts are different in themselves, quite independently of their direction."

—  Max Scheler German philosopher 1874 - 1928

Das Ressentiment im Aufbau der Moralen (1912)

Black Elk photo

„Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and lean to hear my feeble voice. You lived first, and you are older than all need, older than all prayer. All things belong to you — the two-leggeds, the four-leggeds, the wings of the air and all green things that live. You have set the powers of the four quarters to cross each other. The good road and the road of difficulties you have made to cross; and where they cross, the place is holy. Day in and day out, forever, you are the life of things.
Therefore, I am sending a voice, Great Spirit, my Grandfather, forgetting nothing you have made, the stars of the universe and the grasses of the earth."

—  Black Elk Oglala Lakota leader 1863 - 1950

Black Elk Speaks (1961)

Vincent Van Gogh photo

Mahmoud Darwich photo

Barry Lyga photo

Pancho Villa photo

Sri Chinmoy photo

Walt Whitman photo

Angelina Jolie photo

Cormac McCarthy photo

Neil Peart photo

Toni Morrison photo

Douglas Adams photo

Douglas Adams photo

Jomo Kenyatta photo

„We forget that education is not school and school is not education."

—  Christian Canlubo Filipino Internet Entrepreneur 2002

"Learning is something we have to do every day, so if you tell me that I should finish my studies then you are saying that I am going to end my life."

Christian Canlubo answered to a person who tell him that he should finished his learning to be a successful person.

Source: Christian Canlubo| Christian Canlubo profile on EverybodyWiki

John Kricfalusi photo

Isabel Allende photo

Irena Sendler photo

Adolph Freiherr Knigge photo

Mwanandeke Kindembo photo

Redd Foxx photo

Chinua Achebe photo

Mario Puzo photo

Zhuangzi photo

„Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words."

—  Zhuangzi classic Chinese philosopher -369 - -286 BC

Original: (zh_Hant) 荃者所以在魚,得魚而忘荃;蹄者所以在兔,得兔而忘蹄;言者所以在意,得意而忘言。吾安得忘言之人而與之言哉!
Variant: "Where can I find a man who has forgotten words? He is the one I would like to talk to."
Context: A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find someone who's forgotten words so I can have a word with him?...

Anthony Kiedis photo

Edward O. Wilson photo

Desmond Tutu photo

Karl Lagerfeld photo

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow photo

Sharon Creech photo

Anne Rice photo

Paulo Coelho photo

John Amaechi photo

Charles Bukowski photo

Mwanandeke Kindembo photo

Marcin Malek photo

Robert Jordan photo

E.E. Cummings photo


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